Getting Vegas ready today and since it’s going to be scorchio ☀️🔥 I thought I better perk up my milk bottle legs. I’m not a self tanner, I’m a sun worshiper. I don’t tan myself because I hate the smell off it.
I’ve popped it on and here’s my thoughts.
🔥it’s a mist of spray that goes on and you rub it in with a tanning mitt. This was easy!!
🔥it has a slight smell of coconut
🔥it has a oil consistency and goes on easily but it’s not oily!
I’ll do more photos in 24 hours once it develops to show you my before and after.
I started off just dining my legs but ended up doing my arms, chest and face, pale back as I was home alone 🙈. #senegencesunlesstanner #faketan #nosmellfaketan #nopatch #nosteak #easyfaketan #sunkissed