SeneDerm DayTime Moisturizer
-Normal to Dry
-Normal to Oily
Daily moisturizer that provides environmental protection in a unique formula that meets the precise needs of your skin type.
Anti-oxidant and botanical-rich treatment to help keep your face hydrated and moisturize deep into the layers of the skin
Contains humectants, which actually draw moisture from the air and bind it to the skin
Delivers vital oils and vitamins to keep skin moist throughout the day
SeneDerm® Daytime Moisturizers deliver the anti-aging advantages of SenePlex Complex™ and vitamin E to protect cells from oxidation. Normal to Oily formula contains Jojoba oil, squalene and unique botanicals that reduce oil production and provides a mechanical shield of sun protection equivalent to an SPF 15.#daytimemoisturizer #moisturizer #senederm #senegence #mechanicalshield #spf15 #skincare